
Happenings and News

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Happenings, news, upcoming and past events.


A Year in Review  Annual Meeting January 26, 2025

Another year. Another perfect setting to celebrate the importance of historic resources and their preservation. As one reflects on life and what is truly important, one can agree that historic preservation continues to matter.

A “Sunday in October” was a perfect day of stewardship and recognition. A landmark home played host.

In the spirit of generosity and gratitude, the Board of Directors of the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables invited friends and benefactors of the George Giving Society to enjoy an afternoon of champagne, celebration, and conversation.

Fourth Annual Founder’s Day Ceremony in Coral Gables held on June 3 2024

At this 4th annual Founder’s Day tribute, sponsored by the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables, and hosted by the Merrick House Governing Board, guests and dignitaries were reminded of one of the primary sources of Merrick’s vision — the 1832 book by American novelist Washington Irving,


Join HPACG at its Annual Meeting Friday January 29th

The meeting will highlight 2020 accomplishments and upcoming issues in 2021.

The Peacock-Tyson residence—a time capsule of historical significance

The house is one of the earliest examples of Mediterranean Revival architecture in Coral Gables and noteworthy for its high degree of historical integrity thanks to the loving stewardship of its previous owners.

Nationally designated MacFarlane District in Coral Gables makes headlines     

The MacFarlane District is one of a rare example of a black community locally designated and recognized on the National Register of Historic Places.

Bringing back a piece [or two] of lost history to Coral Gables’ first public building

HPACG is proud to partner with the City on this unique opportunity to bring back a piece of lost history [or two] to the Coral Gables Country Club, the place where Merrick once stood and addressed the merits of buying into his dream of a city.

HPACG is a proud sponsor of the Coral Gables Foundation’s 11th annual “Tour of Kitchens”

Proud of the opportunity to be a sponsor at one of the eight homes in the historic Chinese-themed village. A perfect fit for our group.

A Tertullian Fete. Next one February 28th

On January 24, 2020, The Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables (HPACG) celebrated the second chapter of its newest program, the Coral Gables Tertulia, at the home of Meg and John Daly in the French City Village of Coral Gables. Guests enjoyed live music by Jean de Boyrie and French-inspired hors d’oeuvres and wine before […]

Please Email us:   HPACG P.O. Box 347944 Coral Gables, FL 33234